
Friday, September 24, 2021

My Bird

This week on Tuesday two amazing artists came in to teach us different ways how to do art so we got to make a bird out of many cool ways with paint and objects. And then after we finished we then got to make a civilization for them too out of paper which turned out really well since the fill in teacher for the day came in a taught me and my friends how to make really cool trees and flowers for our home for our bird. But unfortunately I couldn't find mine in the time that we had but hopefully I get the chance to blog that up too 

Anyhow thanks for looking at my post and I have a question for you what do you think my bird will look like when I put it up?

Comment down below what you think

Friday, September 3, 2021

Wanted Poster For Mr Twit


Yesterday on September 2 we had to make a wanted poster for Mr twit some of the things we had to write down were the crime, last seen, description, reward and a image of the criminal. And for the hole week we have been doing tasks about the twits which was my favourite topic.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Mrs Twit comes down from the sky


Still in lock down well at school kinda if a 10 people max bubble. Today in literacy we had to make an animation about Mrs twit coming down from the sky and we had to find 6 of the words in some of the chapter's that we read. So hopefully I can put that up soon so you can have a good look at it. 

Anyhow Question have you ever read the twits and did you like the book comment and tell me if you did anything to do with them.

Friday, August 27, 2021

My weeks tasks of Literacy


Still in lock down today I put a few of the tasks that we did for literacy on my blog The topics are Dawn Raids, Ruby Bridges, Seven facts about Pompeii and Rosa Parks My personal favourite topic was the Dawn Raids because it was most interesting to me and I had a lot of Information written on their. Also comment if you saw any spelling mistakes.

Question have you heard about any of these topics I showed you today please also comment if you have?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Malala Yousafzai

Today still in lock down we had to read the article about Malala Yousafzai and we had to find the meanings for each words on the slide and we had to write two favourite inspirational quotes from Malala. And then we had to put it on the Malala class work slide when we were done.

Question did you know any of the definitions on this slide please comment down below if you did.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Filling in the patters with numbers


In lock down for maths we had to fill in the missing numbers. Some of the challenges were divided's, adding, mincing, and some fibonacci and a ton more hoped you liked the numeracy.

Question have you ever done something like this before if you have comment down below and tell me all about it?

My amazing seaside city in lego

 In lock down for one of our tasks we had to make a sea side city out of Lego or Minecraft I choose Lego This lego model took over an hour to make and I got some of these amazing Ideas from my Dad which He happens to be very good at making stuff. Make sure you scroll down and keep on going on older post and you can see something similar to this. Any how thanks for looking at my post.

Question maybe you can try making something like this?

Storms Eye


In lock down one of our tasks was to create a poem that has a theme. Some of the things we had in it were.
Onomatopoeia: which is sounds
Simile:c comparing two things using words 'like' or ,as
Metaphor: comparing two things
personification: giving a non human thing human characteristics
And the last one same as top.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Seven facts about Pompeii


During Lock down for literacy we had to find seven different facts about Pompeii and we did a word challenge on Wonderopolis and we had to watch the video on their too.



In Lock down I got board and I came up with a idea to make a animation about penny wise. But I new this was going to take over 5 hours to make so I grab'ed my sister and we did it in 3 hours hope you injoy the post and we are going to start making one every week or more who knows. Please give me any ideas for other weeks. 

Question have you ever made something like this before and tell us what you made and what it was about? 

Friday, August 13, 2021

The Fish Of Maui


In Maori We had to write the story about the fish of Maui copying a video with no volume and we had to write about the most important parts about that story. And we had to add and find some Maori words using the Maori dictionary. We had 40 minutes to complete this task and we were aloud to go in groups of five which were Dylan, Ben, Leyan and Elvis and go check out their post About the fish of Maui.

Question have you ever done something like this? 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 Today in inquiry we have been learning all about Micro plastic. Micro plastic is extremely small and its not good for the environment. Anyways the task for to days lesson was you had to find a facted about Micro plastic and we had to find three solutions about how we can stop this from happening and then we had to put it on a biteable or on Canva.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Water Art


In inquiry we have been learning about the importance of water. Like stormwater, waterways, pollution, micro plastic and lots more. And then for art we at to make one side full of bad stuff and the other side full of good stuff we didn't have much time so I was pretty happy how it turned out
Question maybe you could make something like this?

Haiku About The Weather


This week we have been making haiku's About the weather like lighting, rain, thunder and hail. Sorry if you cant see it but I can read it to you. Lighting strikes above me. The lighting strike'd like huge claps. And the wind whistles. Comment if you saw any mistakes and maybe you could make a Haiku about something?

Friday, July 9, 2021

Silver Back Gorilla


Sliver Back Gorilla
This term we when to orana park and we had to write notes about some of the animals their then we had to choose out of all the animals we saw their to write a report about them. I choose the silver back gorilla. Here is the link to my report 

Matariki kites

Happy Matariki everyone! 

On the 2 July we celebrated the Māori New Year, a time to consider the year ahead. The days are starting to lengthen and spring will soon be here, we just need to get through this cold winter first! 

Matariki and the Pleiades star cluster, have got many stories attached to them. We looked at two; one about how Ranginui and Papatuanuku were separated by Tāne Mahuta, and how Tāwhirimatea was so angry he ripped out his eyes and threw thunderbolts to the sky, creating the cluster, and another story about 7 sisters making kites, and them going to the sky. Ururangi’s kite was different from the rest, it was rainbow coloured. We have mixed these two stories to create the design of our kites.

Question have you ever herd of a Matariki story before.


Monday, July 5, 2021

Silver Back Gorilla


Sliver Back Gorilla

This term we when to Orana park and we had to write notes about a few of the animals their. Then when we got back we had to choose one of the animals from Orana park to write a report on and I did silver back gorilla. And then we had to copy and paste it on to a doc and had to highlight it with simple,complex and compound sentences.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

The volume is 240cm 3 squared


Today in Maths we had to make a 3D shape we worked in groups of two and I worked with Taine. We had to make the area 240cm3 and we got it right. Their were many ways to solve this problem in all kinds of shapes.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Sea Lions


Last week we had to choose out of four animals which were all close to extinct and i choosed sea lions. Our task was to write down some facts on a slide and then we had to voice record it and we only put a few words on it which were key words. 

Question have you ever seen a sea lion before?

Friday, May 21, 2021



In the after soon the teachers had a super cool idea for since we had too drop a egg from the makerspace and we had to design something to make it safely to the ground. And we could only use paper a bag 1m string cellotape and scissors.We only had 25 minutes and I think that we did pretty good for that amount of time.

Question have you ever tried this before comment if you have. :)

Monday, May 17, 2021

Building homes for Chimpanzees In Minecraft.


In literacy we have been learning about Chimpanzees last week we had to make a home for Chimpanzees on a iland. For this activitie we used Mincraft Education. Firstley we had to watch a video and we had to write down some things about what we should add to our mincraft world.

Friday, May 14, 2021

The 1900s Music Timeline


For two weeks we have been learning about music. Mr Shaw put pieces of paper in a hat and write the 80s,90s,20, and all the other decades and we had to pull one out and we got the 90s. So we made a slide and we had to find songs in the 90s then we had to write down what instrument we could hear and who write it and composers who help with the song.
Question did you know any of these songs that we had put on the slide?

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The great Orangutans


Today in Literacy we had to find facts about Orangutans and we put them on canva poster. A few days ago we read a article and we found facts on that. And we had to change it in our own words so we would under stand it. And then Today we put a few facts on our canva site.
Question have you ever seen one of these amazing creatures?

Sunday, May 2, 2021



In the Holidays I made this slide about porsches. What made me do this is because my Dad just bought another porsche and this one was a Boxster.

Question dose your Dad or Mum or any one you know own a Porsche Comment down below if you do or don't.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Movie stars


Today After school I made this movie star slide for fun.Try to name each of these actors.....
bet you can't!

Gallipoli letter to home


Gallipoli letter to home.

Today our task was to create a letter from Gallipoli and pretend we were a solider and to send it home to a Loved one like a Kid a Mum,Dad or a Wife.We had to make this on a google slide and we had to use mote extension to record it. If you have,t cheeked this app out go cheek it out.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

The Gallipoli WAR

This term we have been learning about Gallipoli. We had to create a canva poster about the landing of Gallipoli.We had to get facts to put on our canva poster.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Maori weather

The last few weeks we have been doing maori weather we made a animation on scratch and we had to voice type maori into it. Unfortunately I couldn´t upload it to my blog. To say the weather today in maori is kei te puphea te ahua o te rangi.And it would be wera.


Thursday, March 25, 2021

When Mahmouds brave.


For literacy we have been reading Refugee by Alan Gratz.   We looked at the main character, and picked 3 words to describe them.  I picked brave.

For our create task, we had to use Storyboard that, and pick one of our describing words to storyboard.  We needed to think about what happened just before that scene, and just after and how we could show emotion in our characters face.

I decided to choose what part of the story that Mahmoud showed that he was brave.   I showed this through when the soldiers killed the bad guy .Mahmoud stayed calm and didn´t run away.If he did run away he would probably would of died from the soldiers.

Leave a comment down be low if you think i did a good job.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Topping for pizza chart


Today in maths we had to make a chart. Firstly we made the bar graph on a google docs. Then we had to copy and paste it on to a doc.

Thursday, March 18, 2021



Quality Blog post for ANZAC Cove landing:

Anzac Cove landing by the ANZACS

In literacy at the moment we are learning about WW1 and in particular, the role the ANZACS played in it.

We know that the ANZACS landed at ANZAC cove on April 25th, 1915.  They arrived by boat, and were greeted by a beach that was in chaos, steep, rugged cliffs and the Turks firing at them from the top of the cliffs.

Many men lost their lives that day, many never made it to the beach.  The ones that did were about to start a long journey filled with tears, despair and sadness.

This animation is to show the landing at ANZAC Cove.

Do you know much about the ANZACS or their landing?

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Minecraft Education Refugee Camp


Over the past three weeks in literacy, we have been reading about refugees and looking at what refugee camps look like.  

Do you know that there are millions of refugees currently living in refugee camps all over the world.  These people have had to flee their home countries due to war, unrest, famine, riots, terrorist attacks and more.  Some have been living in these camps for years, with no sign of leaving.

The conditions are terrible.  There are lots of disease, crowded living areas, they are hot in summer and freezing in winter.

Our task was to recreate a refugee camp in Minecraft education, incorporating all the things we had learnt about them.

Have you ever read or watched anything about refugees before?  

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Fill in the missing piece


Today in class we had to fill out the missing piece of this this picture. Then we had to colour it. On the picture there is two boys playing basket ball and then a mean bully is telling them to get of the court. The boys look confused then the mean bully pushed one of the kids on the ground. Then a boy comes and sees if He is okay. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

The treaty of Waitangi

Hi bloggers today in class we were sent off to create a script that talks about the issues with the Treaty of Waitangi. Then we had to get our information from our script and then We made a video on voki. The Maori were angry with the treaty because the British did,t give them what they wanted. And the British did not want to share there land with the Maori.


Sunday, February 28, 2021

History of TAMOKO


Hi bloggers this week we watched  a video and we had to write down the most important things that we learned about Tamoko. Then we had to get all our notes from the video and write them down on a google draw or on Canva. And i chose to do it on Canva.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Lego man


hi Bloggers today in class we were sent of with a challenge to build a lego figure. And it had to be just like me.I am really surprise how my lego me turned out. Question are you happy how your lego figure turned out?

Thursday, February 18, 2021

My Pepeha

Hi bloggers today in class we were told to make a Pepeha. A Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Maori to show connections with important people and places in your life. 


Monday, February 15, 2021

Reflecting back on camp


Today in Toroa we have been reflecting on camp.We each had to choose one part of camp that we liked the most I picked orienteering.The reason why I picked it was because of all the running and finding and because of the challenges we faced.Also I learn how to use a map. Question did you like orienteering?